Dr. Srisuda Sirichareonsang
Fat GraftingLanguage spoken
Thai, EnglishExperience
Asian Rhinoplasty Symposium, South Korea
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Congress of Korean Society, Seoul, South Korea
Dermatology Sympos sium of ASEAN Community; DSAC, Aesthetics Dermatology
Anti-aging Symposium, Maefahluang University
State of the Art Congress on Fat Grafting Techniques and Stem Cell Procedures Centro Facial Rejuvena ation with Fat Grafting and Full Face Nano Fat Needling
Fat Transfer. Fat Grafting Techniques and Stem Cell Procedure Training Program.Forum of Adipose Tissue and Ster Cell.
Diplomna of The Board of Otolaryngologist Head and Neck Surgery. Thailand
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.). Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Bangkok , Thailand
Board Certifications
Special Clinical Interests
Fat Grafting